My Favorite Book

‘7 Habits of Healthy Kids’ is a book I read often with my mom. It teaches me to make good choices and to be kind. My mom loves this book a lot too. It is a book with many stories within it. The characters are all so different. Kids can learn from this book by reading the stories and talking about them with their parents.

Lelooska Museum Visit

Today I went to Lelooska Museum with my third grade class. It was a long bus ride. When we first got there, we want straight to the museum. We saw a collection of Native American artifacts including pretty cool blankets with animals on them, dolls, canoe, and clothes. After the museum, we went to listen to stories and watch them dance. There was a big fire pit next to the performers. They were dressed in some dark and some bright colored outfits. The Old Man character was scary! The last performance was a bear. It was roaring at every one and scaring people with his mouth open. I liked seeing the masks opened up to a different mask. It was fun to watch. I really would like to go back with my family and show them how interesting it was to see everything.

Tree Frogs

Adult Red-Eye Tree Frog

Tadpoles living in water

I chose the ‘Red-Eye Tree Frog’ as my favorite animal to talk about on my blog. I like their red eyes and bright neon-green body color. They are amphibians. This means they are cold-blooded animals who live in the water as tadpoles, then live on land as adults. They are carnivores and eat things like crickets, moths and flies by catching them with their sticky tongues. They don’t live long. Their life span is about 5 years. A group of tree frogs is called ‘Army’. The size of ‘Red-Eye Tree Frogs’ range from 1.5 inches to 2.75 inches. They are compared to the size of tea cups. Many live in tropical forests in Mexico, Central America and South America.

All About Me

Hi, I’m Cobi. I like Star Wars because it is an awesome movie. I love it! It has a lot of fighting and cool characters. I have 2 dogs,a dad, mom, sister and 1 cat. I like football too. I also like to eat pizza and to play flag football. I used to live in Greensboro, NC. Did you know it’s a 5 hour plane ride to get there? What is your favorite youtuber? My is vanossgaming and jacksepticeye.

